End of Year Installation 2021 - 5.15pm Entry - NOT A PUBLIC EVENT
Thu, 01 Jul
The Rare School of Fashion and Art END OF YEAR INSTALLATION 2021 Thursday 1st July 2021 Tickets are limited for entry times into the building. One group ticket is valid for up to 4 people. One group ticket per student. Any tickets booked which do not correspond to a student will be cancelled.

Time & Location
01 Jul 2021, 17:15
Liverpool, Tradewind Square, Liverpool L1 5BG, UK
About the Event
Students at Rare School of Fashion and Art present their End of Year Installations.
The following COVID-19 Safety Measures will be in place during the evening:
- Guests will have to book a time slot for their guest group via our bookings website (details below)
- Group tickets are free but must be booked.
- Groups of guests are limited to up to 4 people per slot - and each student has been allocated one group ticket
- Once all group tickets have been booked, any remaining slots will be made available for additional bookings
- Guests who have symptoms or have been required to isolate MUST NOT ATTEND
- Guests should arrive at their time slot and wait outside the building until they are called in by our staff
- You will not be allowed into the building until all members of your group are present.
- If you miss your slot, guests from the next time slot may be sent in ahead of you and you will be required to wait until the next available opportunity for entrance
- Guests who are not exempt from wearing masks should wear masks whilst on site
- Temperatures must be taken at the door, and antibacterial hand gel will be provided
- All guests will need to sign in at the door for our track and track systems with a name and contact number/email
- The building will be laid out in a one-way system and stewards will guide guests through the building in a continuous flow
- Once guests have passed through the building they will be guided to the exit
- Anyone not cooperating with our safety restrictions will be required to leave the building
We cannot stress enough the importance of adhering to our safety restrictions. Following these restrictions is the only way we can keep this event public and we ask for cooperation from all students and guests.
We continue to monitor both government guidance and the levels of infection within our organisation/community and reserve the right to make adjustments to restrictions and/or event details as required for the safety of our students, staff and wider community.
GROUP TICKET (Up to 4 people)
Valid for 1-4 guests within a support or household bubble ONLY ONE GROUP TICKET PER STUDENT SHOULD BE BOOKED
£0.00Sold Out
This event is sold out